The Nassau Hub Transit Initiative: Livable communities through sustainable transportation
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Goals and objectives

A set of preliminary goals for the Nassau Hub Transit Initiative, with their respective objectives, was identified based on the purpose and need for transit improvements in the Nassau Hub.


goal 1

Develop transit improvements that will provide additional realistic and practical travel options to, from, and within the Nassau Hub Transit Initiative Study Area ("Study Area") and help to mitigate congestion on roadways.

Objectives :

    • Develop a transit alternative that maximizes the use of active or underutilized transportation infrastructure, where feasible.
    • Develop a public transportation alternative that has the best potential to attract a maximum number of riders, including non-transit dependent riders (i.e., choice riders) and transit dependent riders.
    • Increase public transportation options as a means of access to, from and within the Study Area.
    • Develop a transit alternative that encourages use of alternate modes of transportation (walking, bicycling, carpooling, and other travel demand management methods) over travel by auto to access the transit system.
    • Identify a transit alternative that is capable of growing and adapting to changes in the demand for service.

goal 2

Develop transit improvements that will enhance mobility and support transportation equity to, from and within the Study Area in a cost-effective, innovative manner.

Objectives :

    • Provide improved transit access for choice and non-choice riders to, from and within the Study Area and serve vulnerable and underserved populations including environmental justice (EJ) communities.
    • Maximize benefits and new opportunities presented by LIRR service enhancements (i.e., Main Line Third Track and East Side Access).
    • Develop an alternative that will have a capital cost that is consistent with anticipated financial resources and operating and maintenance (O&M) costs that can be funded with federal, state and/or local resources.
    • Develop an alternative that provides travel time savings compared to existing options.
    • Reduce travel time and costs associated with congestion.
    • Develop an alternative that is capable of being funded for construction through traditional or alternative funding/financing mechanisms.
    • Explore alternatives that can be phased incrementally and are consistent with available funding.
    • Develop an alternative that is conducive to implementation through alternative project delivery structures.
    • Develop transit infrastructure that can be reasonably adapted to changes in technology.

goal 3

Develop transit improvements that encourage sustainable, transit-friendly infill development and support economic development activities in major development hubs.

Objectives :

    • Use transit to better serve existing and planned activity centers and connect to existing and planned development opportunities.
    • Support future development at the Nassau Coliseum site by connecting to the LIRR Main Line as directly as possible.
    • Develop a seamless, convenient and integrated regional transportation system that connects to existing and planned activity centers and connects to existing and planned development opportunities.
    • Use transit to support concentration of growth in designated areas, including transit-oriented developments.
    • Locate transit to enhance the economic competitiveness of the Study Area, creating new job opportunities, and support existing business.
    • Develop a transit alternative that can be supported by local land use plans and development policies.

goal 4

Develop transit improvements that enhance quality of life and promote sustainability.

Objectives :

    • Coordinate transit infrastructure and services with land use to promote sustainability, livability, and enhance quality of life.
    • Use transit as part of a regional approach to address congestion-related air quality concerns and regional air quality conformity; mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and mitigate overall energy consumption for trip making.
    • Encourage uses at street level that will support a lively streetscape at a pedestrian scale with diverse activity in the vicinity of station areas.
    • Incorporate alternative fuels and energy sources into the transit alternative, as appropriate.

Goal 5

Develop transit improvements that are resilient and address physical, social, economic, and technological challenges.

Objectives :

    • Develop adaptive transit infrastructure that can maintain or restart operations under various conditions.

These goals and objectives will serve as the basis for developing the evaluation criteria and evaluation measures that will be used to screen the project alternatives, ultimately leading to the selection of a locally preferred alternative.